Rosemont High School's Junior/Senior Ball
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Rosemont High School is excited to announce the 2025 Junior/Senior Ball! Get ready for an enchanting evening of celebration, connection, and unforgettable memories.
When: Saturday, May 17, 2025
Where: The Elks Tower, Sacramento, CA
Time: 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Tickets go on sale starting January 10th for just $70. Don’t wait—prices will increase each month, so buy your tickets early to secure the best deal! The final day to purchase tickets is April 22nd.
This year’s ball will take place at the historic and elegant Elks Tower in downtown Sacramento. With music, dinner, and dancing, it’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate the close of the school year in style.
Make sure to grab your tickets early and prepare for a night to remember!
For additional details about ticket sales or the event, please contact Mr. Santiago at nicholas-santiago@scusd.edu
Terms and Conditions
Refunds will not be available after April 25th for any reason.
Minimum Requirements to Attend Junior/Senior Ball
Participation in Junior/Senior Ball is an earned privilege, not a right. Administration reserves the right to exclude any student from participating in the Junior Senior Ball for any reason. All attendees must meet the following criteria in order to participate in Junior Senior Ball:
Seniors and Juniors no failing grades in required classes
Sophomores and Freshman no failing grades and a minimum of a 2.0 GPA as of 3rd quarter
Seniors and Juniors must have passed all classes required for Graduation and or be currently enrolled in a credit recovery course.
Attendance and Behavior
All attendees must not fall below 95% attendance in the second semester (no more than 18 periods of unexcused absences)
No more than 10 tardies in the second semester
No unserved teacher and/or administrative detentions
No administrative suspensions in the second semester
Please see Mr. Santiago, Mr. Gosney, or Mr. Gibbs for any questions regarding who may attend Junior/Senior Ball.